Wednesday, December 21, 2011


So the Fall Season. I have been super privileged to have the support of 3 wonderful people over the fall season. Usually this time of year is me spent being burnt out from riding and just taking some time off. But this year was certainly different.

Monika Marx from Marx Conditioning has taken me on as a sponsored athlete to do some weight/strength training with me during the off season. She sees the extreme value in this in taking it into next years racing season and I have been loving the feeling of using those muscles again - its been so long! I left working the personal training industry 5 years ago, and I don't think I have done a consistent weights program since!

Then there is Graham Duthie from Innovative Performance (Sport Science Consulting) that has been working with me since October (with the support of a very special someone - they know who they are!). Very exciting. Getting taken through all the scientific lab tests and looking for holes in my fitness and training and for the first time in many many years, following a program. I can't believe it! Very much looking forward to 2012 and working with Graham over the winter. Such valuable information and cycling specific workouts that keep me engaged everyday!

So a HUGE thank you to all the support for 2011 from Willie Cromack and John Henry Bikes, from Norco Performance Bikes, Monika Marx, and Graham Duthie and my riding buddy for the ride across Canada Barb Sweeney - you are all truly wonderful people that all help me be inspired throughout the year!


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