Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 8

Another big day today....175km. It started off tough with a busy truck road with no shoulder and rough road that didn't help the sore butt situation! But after we got off that road about 50km's into it, the day started to brighten. Its all just a mental game really!

One second you can be thinking 'im not going to make it today, everything hurts and there is so far to go' then a few minutes later you hit a nicer road, a good song comes onto the iPod, you start feeling ok, then you are back on a high enjoying it! So many highs and lows throughout every day, and if you didn't have the lows you wouldn't appreciate the highs as much - which can be nice smooth roads, tail wind, sunshine, great scenery, and just being out here exploring a new area in the wonderful warmth!

Many things wonder through your mind all day and they are the best times as you can really just zone out while the km's tick by! Thanks Todd for distracting my mind for most of the day getting me excited for my NZ trip! And thanks Jim for the playlist (from like 5 years ago) that I got cranked on for the last 2 hours, it was nice to listen to some different tunes!

Well one more day. We are off to Phoenix tomorrow to finish the trip off. Maybe lay by the pool all Friday before flying back to rainy Vancouver!

Today's stats: (1-3% incline all day today until the last 15km's.... Oh how amazing those last 15km's felt going down and being able to coast for the first time after 5hrs!!)
Duration: 7.5hrs
Ride time: 5hr 50mins (we had a few stops today!!)
Distance: 175km
Average speed: 30km/hr
Ascent: 745m
Descent: 225m

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