Monday, December 26, 2011

Day 4 Christmas Day

Another day in Palm Desert. We did this really great ride today along box canyon road. It weaved right through the middle of a desert canyon. It was so quiet and peaceful with great scenery. We were on our way to Joshua Tree National Park but only made it to the entrance. Then we got Mick to pick us up at the other end. This turned into a bit of a mess! Let's just say he couldn't find us and his cell wasn't working, we ended up starting to ride a hwy back but then it got dark and cold then we waited on the side of hwy in pitch black freezing, still no sign of him. We rode up to next rest stop and finally connected. It's crazy how the temp can be so nice during the day and how quickly it turns to freezing once the sun drops.
I took it easy today, slowing the pace down, spinning more and trying to loosen the legs up for the next 2 big days ahead - but it didn't help much, the legs were feeling pretty beat!
A swim, hot tub, stretch and a beer and then it was time for lobster and steak that Holly prepared us for xmas dinner with margarita's. What a great day!

Todays stats:
Duration: 3.20hr
Distance: 95km
Average: 28km/hr
Ascent: 725m
Descent: 155m

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