Monday, July 2, 2007

Iron Knee 25km Trail Race - May 26th

I was a little hesitant doing this race as we had the 36hr Adv Race the next weekend, and this 25km trail race was meant to be grueling. But I couldn't help myself! I went out easy to make sure I didn't bonk in the middle where the crazy big hill climb was. I slowly picked my pace up and feeling great. Hit over the half way mark were the 30min+ climb started and I stayed strong knocking off many others that slowed down to a almost a walk.

The last 6km was a all downhill and I knew that area, I hit it hard and was feeling great, quick stepping my way down the technical trails, I caught a girl right in the last 5mins and powered past so she wouldn't stick with me, I get to the last section of a set of stairs, I see she is right on my hills, once the steps finished it was a road 300m to the finish line, I hit the pavement and accelerated to get my lead, I crossed the line 100m ahead of her, to here them announcing I was 3rd overall female to cross the line, in a time of 2hrs. I was shocked and super excited !! Now I had to recover for next weekend !!

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