Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Im Back!

Ok yep I am slack and left anyone reading this hanging of what happen after the last blog! Well - it was a long slow recovery, 3 months in fact. It was a test of patients, staying positive, looking only 1 day ahead and not taking anything for granted! The doctors rules were, no exercise, no TV, no reading, no computer time... um what else is there left to do? I was able to do some road rides here and there on my mountain bike after a little while, but I couldn't hit any trails until late May. But boom, then it hit and I was ready and good to go again. So funny how that works. The more I read reports and information on concussions, the more I had to turn away from reading them - all so negative!

But I made up for lost time in June and July and got some amazing riding and racing in. Sure there were and still are some symptoms here and there, but for the most part it never stopped me as of May 31st at Nimby Fifty race. The funny things was, I felt stronger then ever in June and July after all that time off! The work trip across Canada (Cycle4:National Relay) was again a highlight in August and getting in over 1500km on my road bike and meeting and working with some truly amazing people. This was followed by the Vancouver to Whistler Granfondo - what a blast that was and chaos of riding with over 7,000 people - but did manage to be 4th female across the line, I was stoked!

Whats next?


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